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发布时间:2015-09-08        浏览次数:16        返回列表




CML患者体内患者血液中白细胞数量异常增生,长此以往会导致患者血液中血小板、红细胞等其他细胞数目骤减,从而使患者无法正常抵抗外界细菌等有害物质的侵害。来自英国癌症研究中心的Prof Peter Johnson认为,尽管近几年来随着伊马替尼等新药问世,CML患者的生存状况已经获得极大改观,但是仍有部分患者对这些药物并不响应甚至产生抗性。这项研究则向我们展示了通过深入了解肿瘤干细胞机制对新药开发的深远意义。不过,这一研究也只是在小部分患者群体中进行的,如果将患者群体规模扩大,吡格列酮是否还能有如此效果还是个问题。



Diabetes drug may help in leukaemia

Nature    doi:10.1038/nature15248

Erosion of the chronic myeloid leukaemia stem cell pool by PPARγ agonists

Whether cancer is maintained by a small number of stem cells or is composed of proliferating cells with approximate phenotypic equivalency is a central question in cancer biology1. In the stem cell hypothesis, relapse after treatment may occur by failure to eradicate cancer stem cells. Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is quintessential to this hypothesis. CML is a myeloproliferative disorder that results from dysregulated tyrosine kinase activity of the fusion oncoprotein BCR–ABL2. During the chronic phase, this sole genetic abnormality (chromosomal translocation Ph+: t(9;22)(q34;q11)) at the stem cell level causes increased proliferation of myeloid cells without loss of their capacity to differentiate. Without treatment, most patients progress to the blast phase when additional oncogenic mutations result in a fatal acute leukaemia made of proliferating immature cells. Imatinib mesylate and other tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) that target the kinase activity of BCR–ABL have improved patient survival markedly. However, fewer than 10% of patients reach the stage of complete molecular response (CMR), defined as the point whenBCR-ABL transcripts become undetectable in blood cells3. Failure to reach CMR results from the inability of TKIs to eradicate quiescent CML leukaemia stem cells (LSCs)2, 3, 4. Here we show that the residual CML LSC pool can be gradually purged by the glitazones, antidiabetic drugs that are agonists of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ(PPARγ). We found that activation of PPARγ by the glitazones decreases expression of STAT5 and its downstream targets HIF2α5 and CITED26, which are key guardians of the quiescence and stemness of CML LSCs. When pioglitazone was given temporarily to three CML patients in chronic residual disease in spite of continuous treatment with imatinib, all of them achieved sustained CMR, up to 4.7 years after withdrawal of pioglitazone. This suggests that clinically relevant cancer eradication may become a generally attainable goal by combination therapy that erodes the cancer stem cell pool.