领导这项研究的研究者Rinki Murphy获得了新西兰健康研究委员会资助的14.9万美金用于进行益生菌对前期糖尿病的研究;他表示,有效抑制前驱糖尿病进展成为2型糖尿病非常关键,而在现实生活中我们很难通过生活方式的干预措施来进行抑制。特定的益生菌菌种抑制2型糖尿病的效应可以帮助有效降低妊娠糖尿病的发生,并且可以改善患者的胰岛素敏感性及机体体重情况。
这项研究中,研究人员将会检测特殊的鼠李糖乳杆菌(Lactobacillus rhamnosus)以降血糖的方式,在不同剂量下抑制前驱糖尿病的效果,同时通过MRI扫描的方法来评估研究对象机体脂肪的分布情况;研究者想通过研究来确定是否抑制2型糖尿病的间歇性禁食方法可以通过益生菌的补充来使得有益效应被放大。
Fasting and probiotics may help prevent diabetes
Very low calorie diets and probiotics may both help prevent Type2 diabetes and a scientific trial to investigate this will be underway in Auckland this year.
University of Auckland diabetes researcher, Dr Rinki Murphy has received a Health Research Council NZ grant for $149,000 to study probiotics for pre-diabetes.
Preventing the progression from prediabetes to Type2 diabetes is a health priority for New Zealand, and lifestyle interventions have been difficult to implement in real world settings," says Dr Murphy from the University's Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.
"The effects of certain strains of probiotics in the prevention of Type2 diabetes are strongly encouraging with reduction in gestational diabetes, improvements in insulin sensitivity and weight loss seen with Lactobacillus supplements," she says.
"In this study we will test the effectiveness of a specific strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HN001) given at different doses to patients with pre-diabetes, in terms of lowering blood glucose, and the distribution of body fat (specifically within the liver and pancreas) assessed by MRI scans."
"We are specifically recruiting patients of different ethnicities in Auckland who have pre-diabetes for this study to see how well this probiotic treatment may work," says Dr Murphy.
"We want to find out whether the intermittent fasting approach to prevent Type2 diabetes is amplified by probiotic supplementation."
Dr Murphy says about 10 percent of people with pre-diabetes develop Type2 diabetes each year and are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease and death even before the development of diabetes......