系统性硬化(systemic sclerosis)是一类复杂的自身免疫疾病,该疾病可以大致分为两类:一类是局部皮肤的硬皮病(limited cutaneous scleroderma),主要是患者的皮肤出现纤维化症状,同时伴随有"雷诺现象"以及肺脏血压升高;另一类是扩散性系统硬化,即患者多处组织器官发生病变。目前对造成该疾病的免疫系统紊乱的机制了解并不清楚,不过最近一些研究发现I型干扰素在多种自体免疫疾病(包括系统性红斑狼疮、肌炎、牛皮癣、 肉样瘤病以及异性糖尿病等等)中发挥了重要的作用。另外,还有一些研究发现在硬皮病患者病变部位存在大量的I型干扰素,然而I型干扰素对该自体免疫病的发病有何作用目前并不清楚。
干扰素可以分为I型、II型以及III型,其中I型干扰素包括IFN-alpha(13个亚型)、IFN-beta、omega以及kappa。抗病毒感染以外,I型干扰素还能够促进DC的成熟,效应CD8+ T细胞的活化,NK细胞的活化以及B细胞的分化等。为了探究I型干扰素在系统性硬化这一疾病中的作用,来自华盛顿大学医学院的Anthony J. Coyle课题组进行了深入研究,相关结果发表在《Journal of immunology》杂志上。
进一步,作者比较了GVHD-SS1小鼠在移植手术之后I型干扰素产生的动态特征。结果显示:IFN-beta的表达在1周之后达到最高峰;IFN-alpha9, IFN-gamma, and IFN-lamda2 在三周之后达到高峰;而IFN-gamma在手术之后4周仍然维持峰值,此时皮肤的纤维化已经十分严重。
Type I IFNs Regulate Inflammation, Vasculopathy, and Fibrosis in Chronic Cutaneous Graft-versus-Host Disease
Tracy A. Delaney, Chris Morehouse, P. Zachary Brohawn, Christopher Groves, Marco colonna, Yihong Yao,x Miguel Sanjuan, and Anthony J. Coyle
Type I IFNs play a critical role in the immune response to viral infection and may also drive autoimmunity through modulation of monocyte maturation and promotion of autoreactive lymphocyte survival. Recent demonstrations of type I IFN gene signatures in autoimmune diseases, including scleroderma, led us to investigate the pathological role of IFNs in a preclinical model of sclerodermatous graft-versus-host disease. Using a neutralizing Ab against the type I IFN receptor IFNAR1, we observed a marked reduction in dermal inflammation, vasculopathy, and fibrosis compared with that seen in the presence of intact IFNAR1 signaling. The ameliorative effects of IFNAR1 blockade were restricted to the skin and were highly associated with inhibition of chronic vascular injury responses and not due to the inhibition of the T or B cell alloresponse. Inhibition of IFNAR1 normalized the overexpression of IFN-inducible genes in graft-versus-host disease skin and markedly reduced dermal IFN-a levels. Depletion of plasmacytoid dendritic cells, a major cellular source of type I IFNs, did not reduce the severity of fibrosis or type I IFN gene signature in the skin. Taken together, these studies demonstrate an important role for type I IFN in skin fibrosis, and they provide a rationale for IFNAR1 inhibition in scleroderma. The